Batman's AZ Precision Drill Team at GWRR Fundraiser - Peoria

Event date: 
Sat, 04/17/2021 - 1:00pm


An Invitation from "Batman" (James Dear):

Just wanted to invite you all to the Gold Wing Road Riders Chapter R fundraiser this Saturday, April 17th from 11-2 at RideNow Powersports & Indian Motorcycles Peoria located at 8546 W Lidlow Drive Suite 100, Peoria, 85381

I will be performing with the Arizona Precision Motorcycle Drill Team at 1300 hours aka 1:00 pm.

The GWRR event is going to be a Hawaiian luau fundraiser.  $15 donation gets you food and a raffle ticket for door prizes.  I’m sketchy on the details but I heard pulled pork sandwiches were one of the food options.

 Anyway, no pressure. 


Event location:
8546 W Lidlow Drive Suite 100
Peoria AZ

Open Event: This event is open to Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.